Sunday, September 29, 2013

Launching Opinion Writing with Digital Tools

Well that was fun!  I just created a story about why I love fall.  I created this text as a mentor piece for launching opinion writing in second grade. The story would help teach the concept of opinion writing.  The digital component would keep their interest.  The students would love to hear how I published this piece of writing and how they too could publish their own opinion pieces.  I'd love to help in the class to provide extra support because the students ability levels vary greatly. Giving each individual feedback during the writing process is important, yet difficult to manage. I can't wait to give the struggling, succeeding  and excelling students in this class a time to show their writing creativity.


  1. Rachel I enjoyed your digital story. I am having a hard time trying to create a story. I tried out Storybird and loved using it, but I believe the story is a little corny. I will probably make it more simple next time. I also couldn't figure out how to embed it, so I created a hyperlink instead to be able to read my story.

  2. Thanks Christine. If you are on your story and you click the share icon the embed code should come up. Then copy, go back to blog and change the compose setting to html, then paste. Hope this helps; I'm going to check out your story now.

  3. Rachel, what a wonderful and simple story for students to enjoy. I love the illustrations. They made me feel warm inside while reading the book. I am now encouraged to try Storybird and see what I can create. Looks like a great tool for K-2. Vivaldi's Four Seasons music would have been great to go with it!

  4. Rachel, I haven't used Storybird at all, but now I am eager to try it out! I loved your story! My problem is coming up with ideas and not going overboard making it too complex. Your story was adorable and refreshingly simple!
